Three Steps to Showcasing Your Services For More Sales | Kevin Charles Mapula
Charging what your services are worth is simple. But in order to do that you know be clear about the value of what you offer. When you start to think about pricing your services, or updating your prices, you need to consider how much value your clients are receiving. That value is calculated not by dollar figures but by the benefits and result that you create. When your prospects start looking for a service provider, they are really looking for a solution. No one says "Wow - I really need a graphic designer to make my life perfect" or "If I could hire a management consultant, I wouldn't feel so stressed out." Instead, they are looking for a more professional presence or a more organized business. Since your prospective clients are focused on these benefits, you should be too. When you start to create your service menu, it's important to keep your client's goals in mind. Try this exercise - put yourself in a prospective client's sh...