Network Marketing Tips | How's Your Gyroscope | Kevin Charles Mapula
In life we need to constantly
make course corrections in what we're doing.
A gyroscope is an instrument or
device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principle of angular momentum. The way I understand it is that it helps
identify where you are in space and direction you're going.
According to Napoleon Hill author
of Think and Grow Rich, part of the process of achieving the success you want
involves having a solid plan for achieving your desired outcome. However, he recognized that the first plan
you come up with may not be the one that works.
In fact, if you check out Chapter 7 on "Organized Planning"
Hill says, "If the first plan you adopt does not work successfully,
replace it with a new busniess plan; if this new plan fails to work, replace it
in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which does
This is based on the
understanding that we don't really know what will work. Thomas Edison didn't know what formula would
create a successful electric light bulb and tried more than 10,000 different
combinations. Henry Ford's engineers
took a long time to engineer an 8-cylinder
V-8 motor on one block. Henry
insisted on their success, was confident it would happen, and finally they came
When a rocket is sent anywhere,
say, to the moon, it is only on course a fraction of the time. It has
internal gyroscopes that make minute course corrections all the time. If you think about it, when you ride a bike
or drive a car we don't hold the handle bars or the steering wheel absolutely
still. We'd go off the road. We make small corrections all the time, even
though we may not be aware of it because we're so used to it; it's habit and
The same thing can be said when
you're building a network marketing business, or any business, for that
matter. What we think might work may or
may not. We can get ideas and learn from
the experience of others, but the only way to know for sure it to try out the
plan. Tom "Big Al" Schreiter,
one of the best known - and funniest - network marketing trainers, is very big
on skills. He tests everything. He finds out how techniques work and figures
out why or why not. And as brilliant as
he is, he's been surprised. That's why
he tests to make sure. He does all kinds
of surveys. And that's also why he's a
leader in the network marketing industry.
This man knows how to sponsor.
A technique or series of
techniques may work for some and not for others. This could be a result of experience,
personality, or a combination of the two.
Timing in a company and timing in an industry also can play a part as to
whether a plan works. If an opportunity
is too early or past it's prime, it may not matter what your plan is. Your plan may have to be to find another
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