Three Steps to Showcasing Your Services For More Sales | Kevin Charles Mapula

Charging what your services are worth is simple. But in order to do that you know be clear about the value of what you offer. When you start to think about pricing your services, or updating your prices, you need to consider how much value your clients are receiving. That value is calculated not by dollar figures but by the benefits and result that you create.

When your prospects start looking for a service provider, they are really looking for a solution. No one says "Wow - I really need a graphic designer to make my life perfect" or "If I could hire a management consultant, I wouldn't feel so stressed out."

Instead, they are looking for a more professional presence or a more organized business. Since your prospective clients are focused on these benefits, you should be too. When you start to create your service menu, it's important to keep your client's goals in mind.

Try this exercise - put yourself in a prospective client's shoes. What is it that they are really trying to accomplish? How will they be able to measure their progress? What will be the costs if they don't take advantage of your solutions? Once you get clear on these questions, there are three simple steps that you can use to create compelling packages that both serve your clients' needs and create a large income for you.

Create several options that are focused on specific results - When you offer just one package for your clients, you aren't letting them customize your services to their needs. This one-size fits all approach may turn potential clients away. Try offering three different levels of services - an all inclusive option, a mid-range option and a basic option. This provides enough variety without giving your audience too much choice (which can be overwhelming).
Include bonuses and incentives to make the offer juicy and compelling - These little extras can have little or no cost to you, but they significantly increase the value of your services in your client's eyes and show that you are concerned about their needs. The nature of your bonus will depend on the particular solutions you offer, but make sure it's something that your clients will really appreciate.
Eliminate feelings of uncertainty by offering your personal guarantee - As a service professional, you may not be responsible for the ultimate outcome of the work that you do with your client. For example, despite a social media consultant's best efforts their clients may not get an increase in followers unless they do the work to follow her plan. However, you can and should ABSOLUTELY guarantee that you will deliver everything you promise and give the client what they signed up for.
By following these three simple steps you'll be able to focus on the value and prove your worth to your prospective clients. Understanding the benefits of your services to others is important in showcasing your value properly. And ensuring that you are compensated for what your solutions are worth!


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