10 Risks of Outsourcing | Kevin Charles Mapula
Queuing with any other business
relationship between at least two actors, outsourcing is anything else than a
risk-free endeavour. Although it might lead to numerous, lucrative benefits,
buyers and providers should be aware of possible shortcomings and pitfalls,
which to their worst extend ruined whole businesses. This article explains the
10 most frequently occurring risks in outsourcing engagements.
Managerial Challenges: Already before and during an outsourcing
engagement, managers have to meet the challenges of finding a reliable offshore
partner and effectively coordinating as well as monitoring the cooperation with
the offshore company.
Loss of Quality: The quality of the development processes as well
as resulting services received from an offshore partner might be lower as if
they would have been developed in-house. Reasons for missing out on high
quality are often connected to poor service provision. Nevertheless, clients
should keep in mind that expectations might be relative and should be realistic
from the start.
Hidden Costs: Unexpected expenditures occur due to the
impossibility to quantify costs. It is further challenging to precisely
determine impacts of change or failure on cost aspects. Hidden costs are caused
intentionally by fraud activity and unintentionally by miscalculations due to
inexperience. Sometimes additional costs depend on unforeseen external factors
as for instance the events on September 9/11 or disastrous health epidemics
such as the H1N1 influenza.
Geographic Discrepancies: Outsourcing relationships often involve
partners from geographically very diverse parts of the world. Risks due to such
discrepancies are errors due to language problems, time zone differences or
unbridgeable cultural gaps.
Communication Failures: Errors of communication might occur during
development processes especially as interaction is constantly mediated due
often vast geographical distances.
Lack of Expertise: It might occur that the offshore partner does
lack significant skills for the project he is allocated with. This is an error
that might have significant impact on the quality of the end-product.
Loss of skills/knowledge: Once business processes are successfully
outsourced to an offshore partner, they are unlikely to move back in-house.
This might lead to a loss of essential business knowledge and skills on side of
the internal staff. In case the in-house team does not stay to be up-to-date it
will be less equipped for future negotiations.
Over dependence: Over dependence on a third party organization is
closely related to the foregoing point. Although outsourcing ideally lead to
long-term business relationships from which buyers and suppliers benefit, there
should not occur interdependence especially because the strategic direction of
one party might change during long lasting business relationships.
Data Security Threats: The security of a company's data is an issue
of priority. Every business executive must primarily secure a company's
confidential and sensitive info before entering any business engagement. This
major objective becomes especially challenging with a third party service
provider who does not operate under the same business laws and regulations.
Loss of Control: The benefit of redistributing operational
activities might go hand in hand with a loss of control due to different
business goals of the own in-house staff and the offshore provider. Different
working ethics, mission understandings and levels of commitment might be
mentioned as reasons.
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